Google panda update is a new technique search filter which was first introduced in February 2011 with an aim to restrict sites whose content are of poor quality from their performance into Google’s best search results. One of the main features of Google Panda is its frequent changes over time, with various new features being added during these updates.
This can also happen that sites that were not previously present may appear this time after the change has taken place.
penguin update
Using Google will recommend you need not to think so much about the algorithm and it includes Panda update or penguin update. All you got to do is to deliver the best possible experience as a user and the content on your site must be of good quality.You must prioritize providing information to your audience in your efforts. Some people do it wrong as when the SEO Services comes into the picture they try to write for the search engines first which is really not a recommended thing by us as it affects the site as well as the audience.As a site owner, there are a few things you must take care of and give special attention to.
In this article we will try to communicate the Google panda algorithm along with the history from Panda update to the GooglePanda 4.2 update 2015. Google announced what was most likely a Panda data refresh, saying that it could take months to fully roll out. The immediate impact was unclear, and there were no clear signs of a major algorithm update.
2-3% of queries affected
Google has confirmed that this refresh affects only 2-3% of search queries, which is lower than the previous refresh of 3-5% in September 2014 and the last true update in May 2014 which affected 7.5% of search queries.
Let’s discuss the search qualities for web pages navigated by various search engines. Among these, Google stands out as the leader, providing quality results that most audiences rely on. Google continuously strives to enhance its search engine, prioritizing customer satisfaction and user-friendliness. Google Panda is also one of them. Panda update is a search filter that filters the results from the search engine optimization every time a Google Panda refreshment or update happens.